- Data Central
- Bridge Inspections
- U.S.
- California
- Santa Clara
Bridge Inspections
- Good condition
- Meets minimum tolerable limits
- Needs repair or corrective action
- Closed
- Report not available
Basic Information
County, State: | Santa Clara County, California | Structure Number: | 37 0029 |
Maintenance Responsibility: | State Highway Agency | Ownership: | State Highway Agency |
Facility Carried By Structure: | STATE ROUTE 17 | Features Intersected (Location): | HILLSIDE (04-SCL-017-5.43) |
Year Built: | 1940 | Year Reconstructed: | N/A |
Average Daily Traffic (Year): | 78,000 (2017) | Future Average Daily Traffic (Year): | 95,238 (2044) |
NBI Report
NBI Bridge Condition | Good |
Inspection Date (Inspection Frequency): | July 2022 (Every 24 Months) |
Structural Evaluation: | 4: Meets minimum tolerable limits to be left in place as is |
Deck Geometry | 4: Meets minimum tolerable limits to be left in place as is |
Underclear/Vertical and Horizontal: | N: Not applicable |
Deck | 7: GOOD CONDITION - some minor problems. |
Superstructure | 7: GOOD CONDITION - some minor problems. |
Substructure | 7: GOOD CONDITION - some minor problems. |
Channel/Channel Protection | N: Not applicable. Use when bridge is not over a waterway (channel). |
Culverts | N: Not applicable. Use if structure is not a culvert. |
Waterway Adequacy: | N: Bridge not over a waterway. |
Approach Roadway Alignment: | 8: Equal to present desirable criteria |
Bridge Posting | No posting required: Equal to or above legal loads |
Scour Critical Bridges: | N: Bridge not over waterway. |
Bridge Railings: | 1: Inspected feature meets currently acceptable standards. |
Transitions: | 1: Inspected feature meets currently acceptable standards. |
Approach Guardrail: | 1: Inspected feature meets currently acceptable standards. |
Approach Guardrail Ends: | 1: Inspected feature meets currently acceptable standards. |
Historical significance: | 5: Bridge is not eligible for the National Register of Historic Places. |
More Information
Designated Level of Service | Mainline |
Route Number: | 00017 |
Kilometerpoint: | 5.430 |
LRS Inventory Route: | 0000000017 |
Subroute Number: | 1 |
Bypass/Detour Length: | 29.00 kilometers |
Toll: | On free road. The structure is toll-free and carries a toll-free highway. |
Functional Class Of Inventory Route: | Urban: Principal Arterial - Other Freeways or Expressways |
Lanes On Structure: | 4 |
Lanes Under Structure: | 0 |
Design Load: | MS 18 or HS 20 |
Approach Roadway Width: | 16.70 meters |
Bridge Median: | Closed median with non-mountable barriers |
Skew: | 0 |
Structure Flared: | Yes, flared |
Navigation Control: | No navigation control on waterway (bridge permit not required). |
Navigation Vertical Clearance: | 0.00 meters |
Navigation Horizontal Clearance: | 0.00 meters |
Structure Open/Posted/Closed: | Open, no restriction |
Type of Service On Bridge: | Highway |
Type of Service Under Bridge: | Other |
Kind of Material/Design: | Steel |
Type of Design/Construction: | Stringer/Multi-beam or Girder |
Kind of Material/Design: | Other |
Type of Design/Construction: | Other |
Number Of Spans In Main Unit: | 37 |
Number Of Approach Spans: | 0 |
Inventory Route Total Horizontal Clearance: | 7.90 meters |
Length Of Maximum Span: | 7.60 meters |
Structure Length: | 282.50 meters |
Left Curb/Sidewalk Width: | 0.00 meters |
Right Curb/Sidewalk Width: | 0.00 meters |
Bridge Roadway Width Curb-To-Curb: | 16.70 meters |
Deck Width/Out-To-Out: | 7.60 meters |
Operating Rating (Method): | 22.40 metric tons(8) |
Inventory Rating (Methon): | 17.20 metric tons (8) |
STRAHNET Highway Designation: | The inventory route is not a STRAHNET route. |
Parallel Structure Designation: | No parallel structure exists. |
Direction Of Traffic: | 2-way traffic |
Highway System Of Inventory Route: | Inventory Route is on the NHS |
Federal Lands Highways: | Not applicable |
Deck Structure Type: | Concrete Cast-in-Place |
Type of Wearing Surface: | Bituminous |
Type of Membrane: | None |
Deck Protection: | None |
Designated National Network: | The inventory route is not part of the national network for trucks. |
NBIS Bridge Length: | Yes |
Minimum Navigation Vertical: | None meters |
'; popupContent += '
'+feature.properties.pctnfc+'% | of bridges need repair or closed |
'; popupContent += '
Total # of Bridges | '+feature.properties.total+' | |
Bridges need repair or corrective action | '+feature.properties.nf+' | |
Closed | '+feature.properties.cl+' | |
Number | Percent | |
Rated Poor by USDOT | '+feature.properties.poor+' | '+feature.properties.pctpoor+' |
Structurally Deficient | '+feature.properties.sd+' | '+feature.properties.pctsd+' |
'; popupContent += '
'; return popupContent; }//{"type": "Feature","properties":{"gid":"01001", "name":"Autauga County, AL", "slug":"autauga", "stslug":"alabama", "year":"2018", "total":"117", "nf":"14", "nfc":"14", "cl":"0", "pctnfc":"11.97","poor":"4","pctpoor":"3.42","sd":"4","pctsd":"3.42","fo":"16","pctfo":"13.68","fc":"#e6b414","pc":"#00f014"},"geometry": {"type": "MultiPolygon","coordinates":US01001}} function onBridgeFeature(feature) { if(feature.properties.ost == 'good'){var ost = 'Good/Fair';} else if(feature.properties.ost == 'poor'){var ost = 'Meets minimum tolerable limits';} else if(feature.properties.ost == 'repair'){var ost = 'Needs repair or corrective action';} else if(feature.properties.ost == 'closed'){var ost = 'Closed';} else if(feature.properties.ost == 'N/A'){var ost = 'Report Not Available';}; if(feature.properties.bc == 'F'){var bc = 'Fair';} else if(feature.properties.bc == 'G'){var bc = 'Good';} else if(feature.properties.bc == 'P'){var bc = 'Poor';}; if(feature.properties.sd == 'y'){var sd = '
Structurally Deficient';} else { var sd = '';} if(feature.properties.fo == 'y'){var fo = '
Functionally Obsolete';} else { var fo = '';} var popupContent = "";// var popupContent = "
I started out as a GeoJSON " + feature.geometry.type + ", but now I'm a Leaflet vector!
"; popupContent += '
'; popupContent += '
NBI Inspection Date | '+feature.properties.idte+' |
Overall Status | '+ost+' |
NBI Bridge Condition | '+bc+sd+fo+' |
Sufficiency Rating | '+feature.properties.sr+' |
Structural Evaluation | '+feature.properties.item67+': '+feature.properties.stru+' |
Deck Geometry | '+feature.properties.item68+': '+feature.properties.deck+' |
'; popupContent += '
'; return popupContent; } var CntyBridgesJSON = { "type": "FeatureCollection", "features":BridgeJSONData };// var CntyBridgesJSON = { "type": "FeatureCollection", "features":[] };mapboxgl.accessToken = 'pk.eyJ1IjoieXB5dW4iLCJhIjoiY2oxcW4ybWhxMDBkMjJxcGVhbDV5cnpzYyJ9.oFQSnOc57xCR7A51OR6-3w'; //ck0flqufl2k1x1cpmupm5sl2yvar map = new mapboxgl.Map({container: 'bridgeMap', style: 'mapbox://styles/ypyun/cj83a8ga5abkq2sqpivw3nrzg',center: [-121.98957778,37.209175], zoom: 14, attributionControl: false, });map.addControl(new mapboxgl.AttributionControl({ compact: false, customAttribution:['Map Icons Collection'] })); var STLINE = {"type":"FeatureCollection", "features":[ {"type":"Feature","properties":{"GEO_ID":"06085","NAME":"State","VAL":0,"VALstr":"","VALper":"","FC":"#FFF",},"geometry":{"type":"MultiPolygon","coordinates":US06085 }}, ]}; // ptype detailmap.on('style.load', function() { var layers = map.getStyle().layers; var firstSymbolId; for (var i = 0; i < layers.length; i++) { if (layers[i].type === 'symbol') { firstSymbolId = layers[i].id; break; } } map.addSource('bridges', {type: 'geojson', data: CntyBridgesJSON }); map.loadImage('/static/markers/bridges/bridge_green.png', function(error, image) {if (error) throw error; map.addImage('green', image); }); map.loadImage('/static/markers/bridges/bridge_yellow.png', function(error, image) {if (error) throw error; map.addImage('yellow', image); }); map.loadImage('/static/markers/bridges/bridge_red.png', function(error, image) {if (error) throw error; map.addImage('red', image); }); map.loadImage('/static/markers/bridges/bridge_black.png', function(error, image) {if (error) throw error; map.addImage('black', image); }); map.loadImage('/static/markers/bridges/bridge_white.png', function(error, image) {if (error) throw error; map.addImage('white', image); }); map.addLayer({"id": "bridge_point", "type": "symbol", "source": "bridges", "filter":["all", ["==","m","y"]], "layout": {"visibility":"visible", "icon-image": '{grade}', 'icon-allow-overlap':true},}); map.on('click', "bridge_point", function (e) {new mapboxgl.Popup({ offset: 14 }).setLngLat(e.lngLat).setHTML(onBridgeFeature(e.features[0])).addTo(map);}); map.on('mouseenter', "bridge_point", function () {map.getCanvas().style.cursor = 'pointer'; }); map.on('mouseleave', "bridge_point", function () {map.getCanvas().style.cursor = '';}); map.addLayer({ "id": "stline", "type": "line", "source": { "type": "geojson", "data":STLINE }, "paint": {'line-color':"#333", 'line-opacity':0.9, 'line-width': 2.0 }},firstSymbolId);}); map.addControl(new mapboxgl.NavigationControl(), 'top-left');map.flyTo({ center: [-121.98957778,37.209175], zoom: 14, speed: 3, curve: 1, easing: function (t) { return t; } });